Refund Policy

Each registration is charged a $100 deposit at the time of registering, and an additional $125 that can be paid at the time of registration, or at a designated date stated in the checkout process.

Deposit payments are refundable up until June 1. For refunds requested after June 1, the $100 deposit will not be refunded. Any registrations submitted after June 1 are not eligible for a refund of the $100 deposit payment.

Payments of tuition and water sports above the deposit are refundable if notice of cancelation is given prior to the starting day of the camp week. If no notice is given prior to the start of the camp week, no refund will be issued.

Refunds for sick campers: If a camper becomes sick and is not able to participate in camp, they may request a refund for the balance paid above the deposit amount, if the camper leaves prior to Wednesday lunch. If a camper leaves after Wednesday lunch, no refund will be given.

A free week of camp may be offered to campers leaving because of illness, if they are leaving prior to Wednesday lunch, and space is available in another week. After Wednesday lunch, a registration fee of $125 will be added for the second week.

Any camper dismissed from camp due to behavioral issues will not be refunded any part of the payment. Returning to camp at any time will only be allowed with expressed permission from the camp director for campers dismissed due to behavioral issues

Updated March 5, 2023