Summer Camp

Ready to join us next summer for camp?

Camp Activities

The daily schedule is filled with a variety of activities supervised by a dedicated staff.

Free swimming and water games are enjoyed in the afternoon, while in the morning the camper has the option of signing up for swimming classes, canoeing, water skiing, tubing, or windsurfing. Other activities include soccer, crafts, group games, skits, and fun times.

In addition to these, there are exciting Bible classes, missionary stories, and group singing. Add lots of good food and you have a happy camper.

Camp Costs

A week at camp costs $225. This registration fee includes a week at camp plus an Ambassador Camp T-shirt and 3 items for Arts & Crafts which each camper will be able to select on Sunday afternoon with their family groups.

Additional Expenses to Consider

  • Water Sports: An additional fee of $35 is charged for skiing or tubing.

  • Canteen: Campers will have the opportunity to buy snacks at canteen twice a day. We recommend $2 per canteen session for food, or $20 for the week. Our food items are .50-$1 each and typically include popcorn, Kool-Aid whammies, popsicles and fudge bars.

  • Additionally, we offer water bottles, bags, journals, pens, and other items for sale in the afternoons. You can also purchase these items on Sunday during check-in and Friday during check-out.

  • Offering: If you or your camper would like to give back to the speaker ministering to our campers, offerings are taken up nightly for the speaker.

Learn about our Refund Policy here.

Camper Conduct

Obedience to all camp rules is required. No tobacco, drugs, or alcoholic beverages are permitted. If brought to camp, such items will be confiscated and/or the camper sent home.

In addition, cellphones, game systems, music players, other electronics, gum, and outside food are not permitted. These items, if brought, will be confiscated and returned at the end of the week. Each camper is expected to participate in all regular camp activities unless excused for sickness.

Camp Registration

Registration for the 2025 Summer camp season is coming soon! Keep an eye out for more information.

On Sunday, registration at camp begins at 3:00 P.M. (no earlier, please). Departure time is planned for Friday at 4:00 P.M. after a short informal closing session.


“My children have been nurtured in their

relationship with Christ each year through the loving guidance of directors and staff who genuinely care about our children as well as expanding Kingdom of God. Ambassador Camp will always be an extended family to my kids.”

— Joy Brooks, Parent