Nehemiah Projects

What are Nehemiah Projects?

Nehemiah in the Old Testament was the leader of the third group of exiles to return to Jerusalem from their captivity in Babylon.  When he returned, he found the walls and gates of the city in major disrepair.

He proclaimed to those who loved Jerusalem: “The God of heaven will make us prosper, and we His servants will arise and build….” (Neh. 2: 20) And in chapter 3, there is an extended list of those who volunteered to take on the specific tasks of rebuilding the wall and gates of the city. 

As did Nehemiah, we at Ambassador Camp also have an extensive list of projects for rebuilding and repair work.

How can I help?

Join us for a workday at Ambassador Camp as we work to meet several needs to prepare for ministry this summer!

Some projects include painting, electrical work, cleaning, yard work, plumbing, carpentry and woodworking. All skills are needed!

You may donate and designate the project for your financial gift.

When can I help?

  • April 14-16, 2023

  • April 21-23, 2023

How do I sign up?

Please complete the following form to help during one of our upcoming workdays at Ambassador Camp.

Who can I contact for additional information?

  • Belinda Heflin (540)847-6107

  • Ron Walton (704)907-0256

What are the specific projects I may be able to help with?

View our list of Nehemiah Projects here.