Aunt Sara’s 100th Birthday

I, among so many others at Ambassador Camp, join in celebrating the life of one who allowed the life of the Lord Jesus to flow in to her and then through her to others.  How different life would be for me had I not been discipled by her.

From her I learned that God is a jealous God and that His love requires that I love Him supremely and give Him undisputed allegiance. I learned that I would NEVER grow in my relationship with Christ apart from daily time in Scripture and prayer.  She taught me that sin could never be tolerated because God’s standard was HOLINESS and that His standards do not change. She drilled into me over and over that even though I was in the world I could never be pleasing to my Lord if I embraced worldly values and practices opposed to Him.

When I experienced a particularly difficult period in life and long before faith was made sight, she continuously pointed me to the total faithfulness of God, His never failing provision for my needs and His constant care and unfailing love. She gave to me what had already been given to her.  She was truly a discipler!

As a teen, I learned from her that being a Christian and having great fun were completely compatible.  I loved coming to her door and being greeted with “Hi Sugarfoot.” I loved the Bible Club parties (the Polaroid party, Bigger and Better Party, Name that Sound Party, the progressive dinners) and all of the sleepovers at her house and being awakened with “Awake, awake you drowsy sleeper, why do you lie and sleep all day ….” I loved being a laborer with her at Ambassador Camp and having absolutely the best and most fun times of my life.

I loved pausing with her each summer, as we walked into the main building before staff retreat, and bowing our heads before the Lord as we gave to Him the summer. I remember with such keenness the anticipation and excitement we felt as the summer ministry began.

Aunt Sara, we still love you! As you celebrate in heaven, we will be celebrating here too as we remember the Lord’s goodness to us through your life.  Please be getting ready a “Camp Corner” in heaven for the rest of us! The Lord’s faithfulness and extreme goodness still extends to camp and your prayers for camp are still being answered.

Let us who know and love her keep pressing on to know and love more deeply the One whom she loved with all of her heart!


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