Summer Reflections

What a summer we have had on the grounds of Ambassador Camp!

We went around the world with our juniors and we stepped back into the first-century Roman Empire with our teens. Whether we were traveling to places like Kenya, Spain, Italy, Japan, or the Netherlands, or reliving the days of some of the first followers of Jesus, we desired to help create a space for young people to understand God’s heart for the world and for each of us individually which has been clearly shown to us through Jesus. 

And our prayer has been that coming to that understanding would lead them to desire to live in such a way that would change our “worlds”. 

We had many “we haven’t done this since 2019” moments this summer. I wanted to take a moment to share a few of those! 

  • Six Weeks: We held six weeks of camp (1 Staff Week and 5 Camper Weeks) this summer. That alone was huge because of the need it opened up where staffing was concerned. The Lord was so kind to provide us with new and returning staff.

    • So grateful that Aunt Becky continued to share the missionary story this summer!

    • Aunt Belinda stepped into the head cook role for all six weeks! She kept the kitchen running and placed our weekly food orders.

    • Dining Hall workers were numerous this summer and we can see that God is knitting their hearts together in Him. We truly believe we are seeing our next generation of staffers in this group! 

    • Ambassador Camp Staffers have done as Paul described in 2 Corinthians 8:5, “And they exceeded our expectations: They gave themselves first of all to the Lord, and then by the will of God also to us.” They have been such a blessing to Ambassador Camp, too much to even put into words. I wish you could meet and spend time with each of them! 

  • Day Camp: We held our first-day camp experience since 2019! Aunt Allyson and Aunt Kristie led that week well. We had 36-day campers who participated! 

  • Campers: We hosted over 350 overnight campers this summer! So many of those overnight campers were either new to us or campers who hadn’t been back since 2019. What a blessing to have children and grandchildren of staff who have been a part of Camp from the past!

What we have witnessed over the course of this summer was God’s continued faithfulness to this ministry. As one of the songs we sang this summer said, “He’s faithful through generations, so why would He fail now? He won’t” and He has not. With each twist and turn of the summer, God has gone before us and provided what we needed!

Regardless, of whether you sent your child to camp this summer, joined us for a week on staff, or partnered with us through prayer and generosity — I write these things with such a deep sense of gratitude toward you. Thank you for coming alongside Ambassador Camp’s ministry!

With much gratitude, 

Sara Bailey Wooten



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